I get a little frustrated seeing people eat up what Jim Carrey said about how the one-size-fits-all mentality does not apply to vaccines. He is partially right--one size actually only fits about 99% of kids. There are an extremely few individuals with immunodeficiencies (but soon all 50 states will be testing all newborns like they do in Wisconsin) that leave them with lives like "the bubble-boys." But when it comes to vaccines, the genes that control our immune systems are over 99% identical regardless of where you live and who you are (no that is not including the hypervariable VDJ recombo regions in our lymphocytes, but if you know what I'm talking about then you probably aren't anti-vaccine).
And what makes me mad is that people take what Jenny McCarthy say she 'thinks' about vaccines as guidance over what scientists, doctors, statisticians, and the 400,000 participants in the most recent and biggest vaccine efficacy/safety study say. It all seems to me like beauty and emotion are winning more people than logic, evidence and experience.
And what is a lawyer by profession saying about too many vaccines being a problem for kids? Kids and adults are exposed to BILLIONS of microbes every day, so limiting the amount of microbial peptides in a vaccine is not going to make them any safer--it will just make them less effective.
People argue that the science behind vaccines is over 200 years old. It is older than that--it is as old as humankind!--scientist just came to understand it then and use it for good. Just like electricity--it's always been there, we just haven't been able to do anything with it. And like with electricity, our understanding is getting better, so that's why the list of bugs covered by vaccines is growing and that's why they started to add adjuvants like thermisol (which contains mercury) in the first place--to make them better. But even when thermisol was in vaccines (up until the early 2000's), there was still more mercury in a tuna sandwhich than any vaccine. And mercury poisoning and autism are 2 completely different beasts, so it goes to show that people claiming the vaccine and autism link haven't studied medicine.
I'm tired of actors and politicians misusing their power and making little kids sick when it could have been prevented!
So that was on my mind and it's off so I can study in peace for my immunology test.