Thursday, November 26, 2009

Illusion of Independence

So I have been studying (read "cramming") for a psychiatry test, and I have repeatedly thought "If only people didn't have the idea that they were completely independent and could do things on their own, they wouldn't have this problem in the first place."
No one is independent these days--we all rely on farmers to make food for us, and even farmers who grow their own food rely on store people for fertilizer, tractors, etc.
The psych lecture I was listening to that got me thinking about this was about people (especially doctors) thinking they didn't need help for depression and then they let it get worse and they end up doing things they regret in their saddened state.
Then the next lecture was about child psychiatry, and how families don't want to admit they need help with kids, but then once a crisis happens and help is forced on them, the child improves dramatically.
Independence is not right mindset--interdependence is better!!! See Stephen Covey's "7 Habits" book for more on interdependence;)